1. Top
  2. Hotel Facilities

Hotel Facilities

List of facilities in this facility

  • Front desk

    Check-in 15:00 / Check out 10:00(Varies depending on room and plan)


    3rd floor
  • Lobby

    The lobby has a calm atmosphere.
    You can enjoy the view from the large windows, making it very relaxing.


    3rd floor
  • multipurpose room

    It can be used as a care room after meetings or sports.

    Size 50㎡
    Price: 3,300 yen per hour(Tax included)

    If you have any requests, please feel free to contact us.


    3rd floor

    Available time

    Reservation required (open when not in use).)
  • Smoking area

    There is a smoking booth in one corner of the lobby.
    Except for this smoking booth, smoking is prohibited inside the facility.


    3rd floor lobby
  • restaurant

    Lunch & dinner information

    Non-stay guests are also welcome.
    If you are a group, please make a reservation.It is possible to rent it out.
    Contact information:080-2371-8082(Chazobo Monterey store)

    ≪Opening Hours≫
    ▪Lunch 11:30 to 15:00 (last order 14:30) Irregular holidays
    ▪Dinner 17:00 to 21:30 (last order 21:00) Irregular holidays

    *It can also be used as a cafe.


  • convenience store


    *We are open 24 hours.


    1st floor

List of other facilities

Number of rooms

45 rooms in total
breakdown:30 single rooms/6 double rooms/6 twin rooms/2 semi-suites/1 suite

Guest Room Equipment

◇Wi-Fi Available
◇All rooms have separate baths and toilets (*Single rooms have shower booths) / All rooms have separate wash basins
◇PC desk
◇tv set
 ・40-inch to 50-inch
 ・You can use video distribution services (other than YouTube, you can use your own account
  please use).
◇electric kettle
◇Other rental items
 ・trouser presser,steam iron
 ・LAN cable,desk light
 ・mobile charger
 *Limited quantity.

amenities buffet

There is an amenities buffet on each floor.(Available in rooms only on the 10th floor)
toothbrush/hairbrush/Razor/cotton set/body towel/Hair elastic

Local credit card

VISA / JCB / American Express / Diner's Club / Master Card / Discover

*Electronic money is also available.

standard check-in time


Standard checkout time

10:00 or 11:00(Varies by room)

Cancellation provisions

7 to 2 days before:30% of room rate(Group of 5 or more people)
One day before:70% of room rate
On the day of arrival:100% of room rate
Cancellation without any contact:100% of room rate
*If there is a cancellation policy for each accommodation plan, it will take precedence.

[Group of 25 people or more]
30 days ago - 21 days ago:50% of room rate
20 days ago - 11 days ago:80% of room rate
10 days ago to the day:100% of room rate
Cancellation without any contact:100% of room rate