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Blog / Notice

Corona measures at Chiba Yado Scrum

The 10 articles of the new corona infection prevention project Chibayado Scrum are as follows.

 1 Daily temperature measurement / health check and wearing a mask
 2 Frequent gargle, hand washing, disinfection of fingers
 3 Measures to prevent splashes at the front desk and when facing each other
 4 Do not inadvertently increase contact with customers
 5 Regular disinfection of things and places that you touch
 6 Avoid airtightness and regular ventilation
 7 Keep social distance
 8 Calling customers to disinfect their hands
 9 Request an offer when you are not feeling well
 10 Appropriate management of customer information

 This time, we are also working on the above-mentioned new corona infection prevention project, Chibayado Scrum 10 Articles.