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Corona measures at Chiba Yado Scrum
The 10 articles of the new corona infection prevention project Chibayado Scrum are as follows.
1 Daily temperature measurement / health check and wearing a mask
2. Gargle, wash your hands, and disinfect your hands frequently
3 Measures to prevent splashes at the front desk and when facing each other
4 Do not inadvertently increase contact with customers
5 Regular disinfection of things and places that you touch
6 Avoid airtightness and regular ventilation
7 Keep social distance
8. Calling on customers to disinfect their hands
9. Request to inform us if you are not feeling well
10 Appropriate management of customer information
This time, we are also working on the above-mentioned new corona infection prevention project, Chibayado Scrum 10 Articles.
1 Daily temperature measurement / health check and wearing a mask
2. Gargle, wash your hands, and disinfect your hands frequently
3 Measures to prevent splashes at the front desk and when facing each other
4 Do not inadvertently increase contact with customers
5 Regular disinfection of things and places that you touch
6 Avoid airtightness and regular ventilation
7 Keep social distance
8. Calling on customers to disinfect their hands
9. Request to inform us if you are not feeling well
10 Appropriate management of customer information
This time, we are also working on the above-mentioned new corona infection prevention project, Chibayado Scrum 10 Articles.