Even when lightly seared, Hida Beef's sweet fat melts in your mouth.
Hida Beef teppanyaki served as a dinner dish. They use A5 or A4 grade Hida Beef. Enjoy cooked to your desired doneness on a ceramic plate.
Salt-grilled river fish
An example of grilled salted river fish.It's also fun to bite into freshly grilled sweetfish, char, and other fish.
The salt-grilled river fish served for dinner is generously salted and served piping hot. Look forward to seeing what you'll be able to enjoy, such as sweetfish, char, or amago trout.
Specialty mineral spring rice porridge
Mineral spring rice porridge made with natural carbonated spring water is one of the specialty dishes of Shitajima Onsen
One of the specialty dishes is porridge made with Senyukan's hot spring water, which is said to be good for the stomach.It is served at breakfast.
Magnolia leaf miso
Gifu's specialty, Hoba miso, is a local dish that goes perfectly with white rice.
Hoba miso is one of the local dishes of Gifu Prefecture. If you put the fragrantly roasted miso on a magnolia leaf on top of white rice, It's the kind of breakfast dish that will have you coming back for more.
Dinner at Senyukan includes Hida Beef toban-hot steel plate-grilled, salt-grilled river fish, and seasonal vegetables. The small dishes are prepared with the service manager's careful attention and incorporate seasonal ingredients.
A breakfast of Gifu's local and specialty dishes will give you energy for the day. Enjoy piping hot Hoba miso and mineral spring rice porridge that will warm you from the inside.