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  2. Q&A


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    Can I use a mobile phone?

    You can connect to au / docomo / SoftBank without any problems.
  • Others

    Please tell me the specific equipment to rent.

    If you wish, please ask at the front desk.Please understand that the number is limited.
    ●humidifier●Iron●Ironing board●bottle opener●trouserContinue reading
  • Others

    Do you rent wheelchairs?

    I am sorry.Wheelchairs are not rented.Please understand.
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    About mobile phone chargers

    Chargers are available for rent at the front desk.Please understand that due to the limited number of chargers, there may not be a charger tContinue reading
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    Can you arrange a massage?

    We accept massage arrangements until 24:00.(Closed on Sundays 40 minutes / ¥ 4,200, rates vary depending on time)

Reservation / Inquiry

If you have any questions, please contact us.