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Privacy Policy

  • Privacy Policy

    【privacy policy】
    In handling the personal information of customers and employees necessary for business operations, we will establish this policy based on our code of ethics, establish a personal information management system, and realize responsible response as a company.
    Policy 1. We will specify the purpose of using personal information as much as possible and handle it appropriately within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose.In addition, we will take measures to prevent unintended use.
    Policy 2. Personal information will be acquired in a lawful and appropriate manner.
    Policy 3. Personal information will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the individual.
    Policy 4. In managing personal information, we will endeavor to take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, and other safety management.
    Policy 5. When handling personal information, we will endeavor to ensure that the person who provided the information is appropriately involved and to keep the information as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
    Policy 6. We will comply with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information, establish internal rules regarding the protection of personal information, and continuously review and comply with them.
    Policy 7. We will establish a point of contact for complaints and consultations regarding the protection of personal information and strive to respond appropriately.

    The Company respects the privacy of users (hereinafter referred to as "users"), pays close attention to the management of users' personal information (according to the definition below), and handles it.
    company name:Santa Bell Co., Ltd.
    Representative's name:Yasunari Matsunaga

    (Supplementary provision)
    Enacted and enforced on April 1, 2018
  • 【Definition of personal information】
    Personal information is information about an individual user that can identify the user by name, address, telephone number, email address, and other descriptions that make up the information.Personal information also includes information that can be easily collated with other information and, as a result, can identify an individual user, even if it cannot be identified by that information alone.

    【Purpose of use of personal information】
    ●The purpose of using personal information on this site is as follows.The Company will not, without the consent of the individual, within the scope of the purpose
    Do not use more than
    (1) Personal authentication of registered members of this site and provision of various services for members
    (2) Execution of "accommodation reservation service" provided through the Internet or telephone and related operations
    (3) Provision of user and reservation information to the Company based on the reservation application from the user in (2) above
    (4) Mail service and information distribution such as various notices to users who have separately agreed
    Based on the personal information provided, we may create statistical data that has been processed so that individuals cannot be identified.We shall be able to use statistical data that cannot identify individuals without any restrictions.

    【Voluntary provision of personal information】
    Items of personal information that are required for each service on this site are described as "required items" on the registration screen.If you do not enter this item, you may not be able to receive each service, such as being unable to make a reservation with us.

    【Provision of personal information to third parties】
    In principle, we do not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the user.Information will be provided only when the consent of the user has been obtained after specifying the recipient and the content of the information to be provided.However, in the following cases, personal information may be provided without the user's consent to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws and regulations.

    A. When the user determines that it will be disadvantageous to a third party
    B. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the user's consent
    C. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the user himself/herself interferes with the execution of the affairs when there is a risk of
    D. When disclosure of personal information is requested by a court, public prosecutor's office, police, or an organization with authority equivalent to these
    E. When the user himself/herself explicitly requests disclosure or provision to a third party
    F. When disclosure or provision is permitted by law
    G. When personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to merger or other reasons, and is handled within the scope of the purpose of use before the succession

    【Scope of third parties】
    In the following cases, the recipient of personal information shall not be a third party.
    (1) When the Company outsources part or all of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.(Our company is responsible for the handling of personal information by the subcontractor.)
    (2) When personal information is provided along with business succession due to a merger or other reasons of our company.

    【Outsourcing of personal information processing】
    We may outsource part or all of our personal information handling operations.The Company is responsible for the handling of personal information by the subcontractor.

    【Change of personal information, etc.】
    As a general rule, only the person himself/herself can request disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal information.If the user is registered as a member of this site, they can view, change, or delete their personal information at any time from the Internet.
    For other users, please contact us.However, if there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the user or a third party, or if there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the service operations of this site, other laws and regulations In the case of violation, we may not respond to disclosure.In addition, if it is difficult to suspend the use of the personal information concerned or suspend its provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc."), or if a large amount of money is required, If necessary alternative measures are taken to protect the user's rights and interests, we may not respond to the suspension of use, etc.

    【Accuracy of personal information】
    This site will endeavor to process the personal information you provide accurately, but you are responsible for ensuring that the personal information you provide is accurate and up-to-date.

  • 【Restrictions on acquisition of special care-required personal information】
    As a general rule, this site does not acquire personal information including the following contents.However, this does not apply if the user provides it himself.
    (1) Matters related to ideas, beliefs and religions
    (2) Race, ethnicity, family origin, domicile, etc. (excluding information on the prefecture of residence), physical or mental disability, criminal record, and other factors that may cause social discrimination
    (3) Matters related to workers' right to organize, collective bargaining and other acts of collective action;
    (4) Matters related to participating in collective demonstrations, exercising petition rights, and exercising other political rights;
    (5) Health care and sex life

    【Management of personal information】
    We strive to implement appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control.Personal information is stored in a safe environment inaccessible to general users.

    【About identity verification】
    When responding to a request for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, the Company will use information that can identify an individual (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail address, membership number, etc.) to identify the individual. Confirm thatHowever, if a person other than the person obtains and uses information that can identify an individual, the Company will not be held responsible.

    【Use of statistically processed data】
    Based on the personal information provided, we may create statistical data processed so that individuals cannot be identified.We shall be able to use statistical data that cannot identify individuals without any restrictions.

    【Regarding attribute information, terminal information, location information, action history, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "action history, etc."), cookies, etc.】
    We use cookies to protect user privacy, improve convenience, distribute advertisements, and obtain statistical data.In addition, using technologies such as cookies and JavaScript, among the information you provide, attribute information that cannot identify individuals, such as age, gender, occupation, and area of residence (limited to information that cannot identify individuals even when combined) ), terminal information, user behavior history within this site (accessed URLs, content, order of reference, etc.), and location information based on the user's consent or application when using a smartphone, etc.Cookies are described separately in "Use of Cookies".

    【Personal information protection officer】
    business name:Santa Bell Co., Ltd.
    Personal information protection manager name:Koji Yamaguchi

    【Contact point】
    <Santa Bell Co., Ltd.>06-6268-3030