1. Top
  2. Rooms


A room overlooking Yoshida River

Relax and unwind in a comfortable tatami room overlooking the clear Yoshida River.

Guest Room Information

All rooms are Japanese style.(Baths and toilets are shared.)
*Since the room is by the river, insects may come in if you open the window.Please understand.
  • Japanese-style room 11 square meters

    From your room you can see the beautiful flow of Yoshida River below.

    This room can be used by 1 person or more.
    Free Wi-Fi is also available, which is useful when traveling alone or staying for work.
    2 people
    Number of rooms
    4 rooms
    Smoking or non-smoking
    Baths and toilets are shared.
  • Japanese-style room 15 square meters

    Relax while listening to the sound of the river.

    This room can accommodate up to 2 people.
    Suitable for couples, couples, and families with children.
    4 people
    Number of rooms
    4 rooms
    Smoking or non-smoking
    Baths and toilets are shared.
  • Japanese-style room 18 square meters

    We hope that watching the clear flow of the Yoshida Yoshida River becomes one of the memories of your trip.

    This room can accommodate up to 6 people.
    Suitable for when traveling with a large group of friends.
    6 people
    Number of rooms
    2 rooms
    Smoking or non-smoking
    Baths and toilets are shared.
  • View from the room

    You can see Yoshida River from all rooms.
    You can enjoy the scenery of each season, such as the changing leaves in autumn and the snowy scenery in winter.
    Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax while listening to the sound of the river.

List of guest room facilities

Number of rooms

Total number of rooms: 10:10 Japanese-style rooms

Standard room facilities

Air conditioning and heating in all rooms/tv set

Internet related

All rooms available
[Connection method]Wireless LAN
[PC rental]No
[Internet connection]Free


Hand towel/Toothbrush / Toothpaste/bath towel/shampoo/rinse/Body soap/soap/yukata/Shaving/shower toilet

Outline of facility

Banquet Hall

Service & Leisure(including arrangements)

fishing(For a charge)

Credit cards accepted locally

JCB / Visa / Master/UC / DC / NICOS

Electronic money available locally

PayPay / iD / QUICPay / Apple Pay / Transportation IC

Standard check-in time


Standard checkout time


Smoking or Non-smoking

No smoking allowed inside the building
There is a smoking area outside.