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Access information

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Hotel Name

Southern Cross Inn Matsumoto


4-9-3 Ote, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

Telephone number



Within 5 minutes walk to the convenience store
10 minutes by car from Matsumoto IC
13 minutes walk from the east exit of Matsumoto Station / 5 minutes by bus!
We will inform you if you contact us.

For sightseeing and business!

Good location, 3 minutes walk to Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure.
  • When using a car

    10 minutes by car from Matsumoto IC

    Yes((600 yen/ /1 day)
    *No reservation required
    *To use the parking lot, please stop in front of the hotel and receive guidance from the front desk staff.
     There are several parking lots within a 2-minute walk, so we will prepare them according to the conditions of use and the type of vehicle.