【Official】Southern Cross Inn Matsumoto

Enjoy homely hospitality at a reasonable price.

Located in the heart of Matsumoto City, this hotel can be used for both sightseeing and business.
It is in a good location, a 13-minute walk from Matsumoto Station and a 3-minute walk to Matsumoto Castle.

About coronavirus measures

Within this facility / facility

  • Front desk

    Ice will be provided upon request.
  • Lobby

    Newspapers are available in the lobby.
    Please spend a relaxing time with a cup of warm coffee.
  • Lounge

    A lounge for breakfast.
    You can use it other than in the morning if you have a request.
To the facility page


Google Map

Hotel Name

Southern Cross Inn Matsumoto


4-9-3 Ote, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

Telephone number



Within 5 minutes walk to the convenience store
10 minutes by car from Matsumoto IC
13 minutes walk from the east exit of Matsumoto Station / 5 minutes by bus!
We will inform you if you contact us.

Go to the traffic access page

Reservation / Inquiry

If you have any questions, please contact us.
