1. Top
  2. Within this facility / facility

Within this facility / facility

List of facilities in this facility

  • Front desk

    Ice will be provided upon request.


    1st floor

    Rental listing

    amenities/ /iron/ /humidifier/ /Ice machine

    【amenities details】
    Body sponge / Shave / Cotton set / Shower cap / Comb / Toner etc.
  • Lobby

    Newspapers are available in the lobby.
    Please spend a relaxing time with a cup of warm coffee.


    1st floor


    Free Wi-Fi/ /There is a built-in PC
  • Lounge

    A lounge for breakfast.
    You can use it other than in the morning if you have a request.


    1st floor

    Breakfast serving time

    From 6:30 to 9:30
  • Microwave

    A microwave is available in the lobby.


    Lobby on the 1st floor

    Number of units/ /Open Hours

    One/ /Available 24 hours
  • coffee maker

    Free hot coffee is available.


    Lobby on the 1st floor


    Available 24 hours
  • Bicycle rental

    Number of units

    5 pieces


  • vending machine

    A vending machine for soft drinks and liquor.


    Lobby on the 1st floor
  • Smoking area


    Outside the facility

List of other facilities

Number of rooms

31 rooms in total:31 Western-style rooms
Western-style translation:24 single rooms(12 to 12㎡)/ /Twin 7 rooms((24 to 24㎡)

Room supplement

Semi-double rooms and triples are also available.

Standard room facilities

All rooms have bath and toilet/ /Shower in all rooms/ /All rooms are air-conditioned/ /tv set/ /Satellite broadcasting/ /empty refrigerator

Internet related

All rooms are available
[Connection method]Wired LAN / Wireless LAN
[PC rental]No
[Internet connection]Free
We also have a computer that can be used free of charge for internet searches in the hotel lobby.


Hand towel/ /Toothbrush / Toothpaste/ /bath towel/ /shampoo/ /rinse/ /Body soap/ /pajamas/ /Hairdryer/ /Shaving/ /Shower toilet/ /Shower cap/ /Cotton swab/ /Comb / Brush

Supplement about amenities

We also offer rental lotion / cream / shaving foam.

Outline of facility

Lounge/ /non-smoking room/ /Ice machine

Service & Leisure((Including arrangements)

Massage((For a charge)/ /Bicycle rental

Locally available credit card

JCB / Visa / Master/ /AMEX / Diners

Standard check-in time


Standard check-out time


Cancellation provisions

Two days before:25% of room rate
One day before:50% of room rate
On the day of arrival:100% of room rate
Cancellation without any contact:100% of room rate
*If there is a cancellation policy set for each accommodation plan, that will be given priority.