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Company Profile


On April 1, 2018, Omonogawa Onsen Yusenso started as "RIVER SIDE HILL".

About us

Operating company Riverside Hill Co., Ltd.
representative    Shohei Yoshida
Established January 15, 2018
capital    2 million yen
Business description: Ryokan business
        One-day banquet, accommodation banquet, one-day hot spring
Location    〒013-0205 72-1 Imajuku Azagou, Omonogawa-cho, Yokote City, Akita Prefecture
Tel      0182-38-6530
Fax      0182-38-6531
email     yusenso@riverside-hill.Jp

Corporate history

In 1990, in the western part of Omonogawa River area, formerly the town of Omonogawa River (now part Yokote City), hot spring water with a temperature of 51.4 degrees gushed forth as a result of drilling for the purpose of supplying hot water to the Miyoshi Sanso National Recreation Center. This water has been used as the source of Miyoshi Sanso's hot spring for the purpose of recuperating and promoting the health of the local community. In 2005, the new Yusenso Community Center was opened and took over the hot spring source from Miyoshi Sanso.
From April 2017, Riverside Hill Co., Ltd. took over the management and changed the name to "Yusenso" and began operations.

Corporate philosophy

As a hot spring facility in Yokote, Omonogawa River City, and a company that aims to grow together with the community, we contribute to the development of society and the improvement of people's rich and comfortable lives and culture by providing excellent services and products.

Behavioral guidelines

〇We are committed to improving all the services and technologies we provide, with customer requests as our starting point.
 and strive to create new value.
〇We respect the spirit of ingenuity and challenge, and maintain an attitude of cooperation and harmony to achieve comprehensive strength.
 Pursue improvement of
〇We understand that the hotel industry is based on people, and our motto is "kindness, politeness, courtesy, cleanliness, and gratitude."
 We are committed to putting the customer first.