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Hotel Name



72-1 Go, Imashuku, Omonogawa Town, Yokote City, Akita Prefecture

Telephone number



About 30 minutes from Yokote IC Akita Expressway.

Access list

  • When using a car

    ・About 30 minutes from Yokote IC Akita Expressway.
    ・About 35 minutes from Akita Expressway Omagari IC.
    ・About 1 hour 30 minutes from Akita Expressway Kitakami Nishi IC.

    【from Tokyo】
    From Tohoku Expressway Kitakami JCT, enter Akita Expressway towards Akita - Yokote IC - Akita Expressway Yokote IC - Yokote IC - Route 107 towards Honjo for about 30 minutes.

    【From Sendai】
    From Tohoku Expressway Kitakami JCT, enter Akita Expressway towards Akita - Yokote IC - Akita Expressway Yokote IC - Yokote IC - Route 107 towards Honjo for about 30 minutes.

    Yes(Free)/About 50 cars can be parked
  • When using the Shinkansen or train

    ・About 26 minutes from JR Yokote Station.
    ・About 35 minutes from JR Omagari Station.
    ・About 1 hour 30 minutes from JR Akita Station.

    【from Tokyo】
    Transfer to Omagari Station on the Akita Shinkansen, get off at Yokote Yokote Station, and drive for about 30 minutes.

    【From Sendai】
    Transfer to Omagari Station on the Akita Shinkansen, get off at Yokote Yokote Station, and drive for about 30 minutes.
  • About free transportation for banquets and memorial services

    ・We can pick you up from 10 people or more.
    ・We will pick you up from the designated meeting place to Yusenso.
    ・We will also pick you up at the designated meeting place when you return.

    【memorial service】
    ・There is no limit on the number of people.
    ・We will pick you up from your home or funeral hall to the temple or grave.
     We will also pick you up at Yusenso.
    ・We will pick you up at your home when you return.