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  2. Q&A


  • Information on surrounding area

    What are the convenient facilities in the surrounding area?

    The following facilities are located around the hotel.
    ■LAWSON:1 minute walk
    ■hospital:Yamate Medical Center:2-minute walk
       (Former ShakaiContinue reading
  • Information on surrounding area

    Is there a convenience store nearby?

    LAWSON is diagonally to the right of the hotel.
  • Information on surrounding area

    Is there a place to eat in the area?

    There are many restaurants such as izakaya, fast food and yakiniku restaurants within walking distance from the hotel.
    Korean Town Shopping Continue reading
  • Information on surrounding area

    If you feel sick

    There is a large general hospital next to the hotel.

Reservation / Inquiry

If you have any questions, please contact us.
