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  2. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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    Regarding cancellation of accommodation(※Please confirm.)

    Regarding cancellation of your stay (※Please be sure to check before canceling.)

    Please note that you are responsible for cancelling your Continue reading
  • Others

    Regarding the use of various coupons, discounts, special offers, etc.

    Regarding the use of various coupons, discounts, preferential treatments, etc. (Please be sure to read before using.)

    Cannot be used in coContinue reading
  • Others

    Please tell us what you are doing to combat customer harassment.

    Currently, several people have left the company due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and customer harassment against employees, so weContinue reading

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Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

The intelligent AI Concierge will answer your questions instead of the accommodation or hotel.

  • Easy to ask, chat-style!
  • 24/7 Quick answers, any time of day!
  • Relax, it's AI! Ask away!

0242-29-1000 Please tell us about the "Tsuki no Akari" issue.

From 09:00 to 20:00 Outside hours are possible, but it will be returned after the next day.